When I grow up I want to be...

As a technology teacher, I believe it's important to expose students to the vast array of technical careers available to them. Technical careers offer numerous employment opportunities and competitive salaries compared to other college majors. In today's fast-paced and rapidly evolving job market, technical careers provide stability, growth, and adaptability that is essential for long-term success.

Moreover, technical careers have a significant social impact. Engineers, for example, design and construct infrastructure that directly improves our quality of life, from transportation systems to clean water and sanitation facilities. Medical professionals rely on sophisticated medical equipment designed by biomedical engineers, while environmental engineers develop technologies to protect and preserve our natural resources.

Additionally, technical careers drive innovation and progress in the digital age. The exponential growth of technology has created a constant demand for skilled programmers, software developers, and cybersecurity experts. These professionals are instrumental in creating and maintaining the software applications, websites, and other digital products that are essential to modern society.

The playlist I've created features a range of videos on different technical careers. The videos aim to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the skills required, job prospects, and the potential impact they can have on society.


Have you ever dreamed of exploring space? That's what astronauts do! They are heroes in the service of humanity who venture into space to discover new worlds and help us understand our universe. Imagine being like a Jedi or a member of the Enterprise crew, traveling through space on exciting and dangerous missions. As an astronaut, you would have the opportunity to perform spacewalks, conduct experiments on the International Space Station, and explore new planets. Astronauts are brave and dedicated individuals who work tirelessly to explore our universe and make advances in science and technology. Without them, we wouldn't have the technology that allows us to communicate with other countries and satellites, study weather and natural disasters, or even discover new medicines and treatments for diseases. Moreover, being an astronaut is one of the most exciting and rewarding careers you can have. Imagine floating in space and looking down at our blue planet, or walking on the surface of the moon like Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. It's truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Electrical Engineering

Have you ever dreamed of being a superhero and saving the world? Well, electrical engineering could be the path to making that dream a reality! Electrical engineers are like the superheroes of technology: they design, develop, and maintain electrical and electronic systems that make everything possible, from our electronic devices to the electrical grids that provide us with power. Imagine being a superhero who can create electronic devices that can help people in their daily lives. Or being able to design a robot that can help save lives in an emergency situation. That's what an electrical engineer does! They work on innovative projects and solve problems in areas like renewable energy, robotics, and communications.

In addition, as an electrical engineer, you'll have an important role in an increasingly technology-driven world. Your work would be essential for companies and organizations that need technological solutions. In summary, electrical engineering could be an exciting and challenging career for those who love technology and problem-solving. If you're a fan of superheroes and would like to be like them, becoming an electrical engineer could be the path to making it a reality! Are you ready to become a technology superhero and create solutions that change the world?

Civil Engineering

Have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered how the ancient Roman engineers were able to construct such impressive buildings and structures that have stood the test of time and witnessed history? They were true heroes of construction! Roman engineers used the power of their ingenuity and the wisdom of their experience to build structures that would withstand time and weather. They were not deterred by difficulties or the harshness of the environment, but clung to their passion for architecture and engineering to create monuments that would remain in history. Today, civil engineers continue the legacy of the Roman engineers, building structures that defy the limits of what is possible. With advanced tools and technology, modern civil engineers construct bridges, skyscrapers, and other engineering works that are a reflection of their commitment to excellence and perseverance. Modern civil engineers are true heroes, just like their Roman predecessors. They are the guardians of an engineering tradition that has stood the test of time and continues to inspire future generations. They are the architects of the future, tasked with building a better world for us all.


Have you ever wondered how the great draftsmen of the past were able to create designs and buildings that seemed to defy the laws of physics? Architects are the true heroes of design, and their perspective on the future is awe-inspiring! Just like the great draftsmen of the past, modern architects are masters of design and creating impressive spaces. Using advanced tools and cutting-edge technology, they design buildings and structures that captivate the imagination and challenge present limitations. But architects are not only great designers, they are also visionaries who think about the future and work to create a better world. They are the creators of future worlds, and their work takes us towards a better future for all of us. In the famous movie "The Grand Budapest Hotel", the main character Gustave H. is a hotel concierge who is also an expert in interior design and has an innate ability to create beautiful and cozy spaces. He is a perfect example of how architects are able to create environments that can evoke emotions and create unique experiences.

Aeroespace Engineering

Imagine the heroes who design and build the vehicles of your favorite superheroes: the Batmobile, the Quinjet, the Milano, and the Batwing. Now imagine being one of them. That's what aerospace engineers do. Aerospace engineers design and build the fastest and most advanced machines on Earth and beyond. They design rockets that explore the unknown depths of space, create the most advanced and fuel-efficient planes, and design the cars that break land speed records. They are the architects of the machines that take us to the edge of our imagination. They are the unsung heroes who work behind the scenes, creating the vehicles that take our favorite heroes on their epic adventures. They use science and technology to solve problems that no one else can, and they do it with the same creativity and innovation that the superheroes themselves have. If you want to be part of this elite team, become an aerospace engineer. You'll design the vehicles that will take us to the stars, the planes that will take us around the world, and the cars that will take us faster than we've ever gone before. You'll be a hero of science, pushing the limits of what's possible and making the world a better place.

Robotics Engineering

Have you ever watched the Iron Man movies and wondered who the genius behind the technology of his suit is? Well, that's Tony Stark, a robotics engineer. Like Tony Stark, you too could design, build, and program robots that can perform tasks from the simplest to the most complex. Imagine being like Tony Stark and building your own robot to save the world. That's what a robotics engineer does! They work on exciting and challenging projects to create robots that can do things like explore space, assist in manufacturing industries, or even help elderly or disabled people. Moreover, robotics is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, which means there are plenty of opportunities to work in this field and have a successful career. It's also an industry that changes quickly, so there's always something new to learn and discover.

Enviromental Engineering

As the world faces unprecedented levels of pollution and environmental degradation, we need heroes who can save our planet. Our planet is in dire straits, and the consequences of our actions are catching up with us. That's where environmental engineers come in, fighting to protect our environment and ensuring that we have a sustainable future. These environmental engineers are the guardians of our planet, working to prevent and mitigate the damage that we have caused. They work tirelessly to design and develop new technologies that can help us reduce our impact on the environment, and they work with governments and corporations to implement policies that promote sustainable development.
These heroes are the ones who can help us turn the tide and save our planet. And just like in the movies, their work is essential to our survival. From films like "The Day After Tomorrow" to "Wall-E," we've seen the consequences of neglecting our environment. But we've also seen the hope that comes from taking action and working together to create a better future. So if you want to be a hero, if you want to make a difference in the world, then become an environmental engineer. Join the fight to save our planet and ensure that future generations can enjoy the same wonders that we do today.

Biomedical Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Computer Engineering